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Interpret Statement

STEM students need a way to be prepared in case of an intruder because I learned that many students do not know the right things to do in that situation. 

What I've Learned

I’ve learned that a lot of STEM students feel like their school can’t protect them in a situation with an intruder. I’ve also learned that STEM students don’t really trust their teachers and feel like our school doesn’t have a welcoming environment. I’ve also learned that a lot of students want to learn how to defend themselves. 

         I’ve also learned there are some solutions out there for my problem but they don’t work for everyone. Not every school can afford bulletproof items, clubs and safety drills could be better, not everyone is comfortable or can afford therapy, etc. It helps me see more in-depth into my issue, which then, is going to help come up with a better solution to my problem. It gives me more insight and a better understanding of our school and the kids that embody it.

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Design Principle


So it can be available to anybody, so if someone needs, they can access it with ease.  

Design Principle

Easy to Remember/Use 

So people can access it with ease 

Design Principle

Feels Confident and Safe

So it can help students feel safe and confident at school so they can lead healthier and more successful lives.


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